Originating from China, Chinese steamed buns or Chinese steamed bread (CSB) is a traditional wheattype product in Chinese cuisine. They can be with or without …lling. Their unique characteristics, which are distinctly different from baked bread, are their white color and round shape with a very thin and soft skin, and they are made by steaming instead of baking. Various names are used to call this product depending on location. In Shanghai, steamed bread, either with or without …lling, is called mantou, whereas in northern China, a steamed bun with …lling is called baozi, where bao means wrapping. CSB can be eaten at any meal in Chinese culture, and is often eaten for breakfast. Besides, steamed bread produced in northern China and southern China is distinctly different by their formulas. The northern-style CSB is produced from a starter mother dough, while the southern-style one is made with yeast (Peng et al. 2007). Nowadays, steamed bread is well-known and popularly consumed in Asia.