During the latter part of the 20th century and up to the present time, the problems of crime and disorder within the schools and the e€ects crime and violence have on the entire school body, in terms of being victimized but also in terms of fear, have been brought to public awareness through

Introduction: Overview of School Violence 197 Research on School Security and Violence in the United States 198 A Cross-Cultural Comparison of School Security in Austria and the United States 201 Summary of the Findings of the Research on School Security Conducted in Austria and the United States 208 Security Measures Used in Austrian Schools 209 School Security Measures Currently Used in the United States 211 Conclusion 212 References 213

mass media reports. ­e mass murders of students and teachers in schools attended by children of high-income families made people realize that school violence and crime are not limited to school districts in low-income neighborhoods. Bullying has emerged as a serious problem occurring in schools today. Although bullying has always existed in schools, school administrators have oªen ignored it, rationalizing that being a victim of bullying was just a problem that some students had to accept as a normal experience related to adolescence.