A summary of the implementation issues identi…ed in the previous session was provided by Joanne Lupton to start the discussion. She reviewed the Codex de…- nition for dietary …ber as adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2009 [1] and noted that despite the adoption of the de…nition denoting a signi…cant step forward for a global consensus on the nature and identity of dietary …ber, the following elements of the de…nition would bene…t from further debate:

• Footnote 2 to the de…nition, which leaves the inclusion of undigestible carbohydrates with degrees of polymerization (DP) in the range 3-9 to the discretion of national authorities

• ´e absence of a list of bene…cial physiological e¬ects and appropriate criteria for their substantiation for the purpose of compliance with the de…nition

• ´e analytical methodology by which …ber in food is to be quanti…ed

Various aspects of these issues were the subject of discussion during the remaining part of Session 10.