In 1987, the pioneering works by Yablonovitch1 and John2 suggested that a threedimensional (3D) photonic band-gap (PBG), which is analogous to an electronic band-gap in semiconductor materials, can be realized in articial periodic dielectric structures, namely, photonic crystals.3 The PBG was predicted to enable 3D connement of light in a wavelength-sized volume without accompanying substantial loss, which is difcult to achieve in other media. As tight light connement can enhance various light-matter interactions and can also realize very efcient nanophotonic devices/circuits, there have been extensive studies during the last two decades.4 Although the 3D PBG was indeed realized in several structures, the expected strong light connement has not been achieved yet.5 This is mainly because 3D PBG can exist only in a very limited class of photonic crystals (most of them are categorized into “diamond” structures6,7), which are rather complex structures and thus difcult to fabricate with sufcient accuracy by available methods.