Scattering in 1D PhCs ....................................................................................................... 12 2.1.4 Disorder and Inverted Photonic Band Structure .......................................................... 17 2.1.5 Extra-Narrow Bragg Bands Created by Disorder ......................................................... 19 2.1.6 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 20 Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................ 21 References ....................................................................................................................................... 21

which can give rise to localization of light.1 By the time the concept of PhC was introduced in 1987,1,2 signicant advances had been made in understanding classical wave propagation in disordered structures.3 In the case of innite 1D structures, any solution of the corresponding wave equation is localized. That means the solution decreases on average exponentially with the distance from a bounded area of disordered structure. In the case of a long-enough disordered 1D sample, a transmission spectrum consists of a set of narrow bands with transmittivity up to one, which is superimposed on a background with vanishing transmission (Figure 2.1.1). Such a quasi-discrete state with high transparency corresponds to a large concentration of energy in randomly arranged areas inside a disordered structure. The formal analogy between problems of electron localization in random structures and bound state in a shallow potential well has been revealed in the study by Economou and Soukoulis.4 Following this approach, one can describe a disordered structure as a well (area of wave localization) bounded on both sides by potential barriers5 (for details see Chapter 2.4).