Electrically conductive adhesive (ECA) materials are available as anisotropic conductive adhesives (ACAs), anisotropic conductive films (ACFs) and isotropic conductive adhesives (ICAs), and can be used in a wide variety of applications to support both mechanical bonding and electrical interconnection between a device or chip carrier and a circuit board contact pad. ICAs have been researched steadily over the past decade as potential candidates for lead-free replacement of solder in surface mount technology (SMT) applications and flip-chip attachment. Environmentalfriendly ICAs offer many advantages over solder, such as simple and low temperature process conditions and better thermo-mechanical performance. However, ICA technology is still in the process of validating reliability performance, compared to the more mature soldering technologies, and even the newer lead-free solders. ICA reliability has continued to be a source of concern for widespread practical implementations in commercial products, and the objective of this paper is to fo-

cus on drop test ICA reliability studies, including the influence of different curing conditions.