In the paper, defined is the concept of ergonomic engineering as a type of prospective engineering measures, which change the world of technical objects (artifacts) in the direction of increased ergonomic quality, safety for humans, and care for the environment. To effectively achieve this goal, it is necessary to make changes in thinking about the proposed system and the structure of the design process. Important elements of the new structure of the design process of anthropotechnical systems are decision criteria, in terms of content belonging to the area of ergonomics. The paper presents the formulation of the principles of ergonomic decision criteria, tailored to the specific steps of design procedure and expressed in the engineering language.

The level of difficulty of the diagnostic and design work grows with the increase in the complexity of the examined or designed systems and reaches the highest level in the design of complex anthropotechnical mega-systems made up of many people and many technical objects (e.g., industrial plants, airports, railway stations, shopping malls, hospitals and schools, etc.) This type of measures can be called macroergonomic engineering.

Methods of ergonomic diagnosis of anthropotechnical mega-systems are based on the concept of checklists, usually modified to reflect the special characteristics of the examined mega-systems.

Designing of anthropotechnical mega-systems encounters major methodological difficulties due to the multi-interdisciplinary nature of problems to be solved, incompleteness and uncertainty of knowledge of a prospective nature, and the risk of the appearance of unforeseen, adverse effects of engineering measures, which may become apparent in the long term.

308The paper presents a concept of the structure of decision criteria that are relevant in the design process of anthropotechnical mega-systems of an industrial nature.