This research developed a new (E)nhanced GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection Rules) Language (E-GOMSL) cognitive modeling tool. EGOMSL integrates capabilities of existing tools and includes new functions to promote usability and learning by aviation system designers involved in the conceptual phase of cockpit automation design. The tool was evaluated by a group of humancomputer interaction experts and actual aircraft systems designers using two different types of usability tests, including a cognitive walkthrough (CWs) and system usability survey. The CW revealed specific usability issues, including: (1) a lack of visibility of some interface controls for accessing tool functions; (2) a lack of visibility of a dialog and tool bar for interface prototyping; (3) a lack of user understandability of a flow diagramming capability; and (4) complexity of the method for modifying diagrams. The average system usability score (SUS; 53.13 out of 100 with a criterion of 65) also indicated some usability problems might exist

for designers. Recommendations were made to address the usability issues revealed by the CW and to improve the overall SUS from the designers perspective.