In an ongoing project, MAnaging System Change in Aviation, MASCA (EUFP7) a model for system change is proposed. In this action research project the objectives are both to develop and to deploy a change management system, CMS, in real change interventions with industrial partners in accordance to this model. This paper reports from one of the planned case studies in an airline in development of an improved PM framework in an advanced SMS. The purpose of this research is to develop, implement and evaluate a performance management framework that will enable the airline to let reliable and relevant indicators drive change to improve the operational process and the airline’s safety performance. Initial result from and planned roadmap for future research is presented. A review of earlier research identifies the need and recommendations for new PM based on HILAS and MASCA research. The airline’s existing tools and processes are analyzed in relation to the MASCA approach and CMS to identify where contributions are most beneficial and what qualities are there already. Consolidation of existing parts and parts of work in progress results in a model for a proactive PM framework and a brief on planned future research.