The word training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies as a result of training or teaching of practical skills related to specific useful skills. Besides training the technological advancements and competitiveness of the modern world require that workers continually update their skills throughout their working lives. In the early studies related to training some experts, according CHIAVENATO (1999), considered a training environment to suit each person to the office and develop the workforce of the organization from the positions held. Currently this line of thinking has extended this concept, where the training is considered a process for preparing people to perform more efficiently their tasks related to his office busy developing their skills to become more productive, contributing to the achievement of objectives of an organization. To identify a training need as comments CHIAVENATO (1999), it is necessary to find a lack of professional training in an area where an individual or group to improve or increase their efficiency, effectiveness and productivity at work, becoming a beneficial for employees and their organization.