The development of the cartilaginous endoskeleton in the pectoral fins of Neoceratodus forsteri is described and compared with earlier descriptions. This study employed a much larger sample size and a more rigidly controlled developmental sequence than the previous studies. While it agrees with the general description in the older studies, it has not confirmed some of the details. The cartilaginous elements equating with the ulna and radius do not condense at the same time as bifurcation events. Moreover, after the condensation of the first preaxial radial, the ulna, there are no further preaxial radial condensations until there are six to twelve axial condensations. While these differences in description seem minor, they do reflect on the pattern of condensation events suggested by Shubin and Alberch (1986) in their recent appraisal of the older descriptions of Neoceratodus paired fin development.