The growing global market of telecommunication services continuously promotes growing customer needs and customer cares. Despite the efforts to facilitate Web-based services for customer contacts, Call Center Services (CC) with Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) currently remain the primary channel for customer services in telecommunication industries. In reality, the development of the system structure for IVR and the subsequent Call Center Information System are mainly based on the perspectives from the internal function processes on the provider side, i.e., a rather technical- or business- function oriented approach. For most of the customer users who do not familiar with the technical or internal processes in telecommunication services, however, may have greater chances of wasting times or making errors while interacting with these service systems which are not designed from their perspectives. Therefore, a user oriented system is needed for better user experiences for such customer services.

This study aims to establish a template analysis framework for the system improvement towards user-oriented customer services, through conducting an empirical study in a major telecom company in Taiwan. Sampled system records in IVR logs are extracted and further linked with the corresponding transaction records which are routinely reported by customer service representatives for call handlings. In addition, individual interviews with customer service agents are also the other primary part of the system analysis. The interview results show that the problematic 386repair service dispatch policy and the personnel proficiency in business inquiries are critical to the quality of customer services. By further cross-referencing the results of system analysis and agent interviews, practical suggestions for system improvement towards a user-oriented customer service system as well as the implications for theoretical research are in further discussion.