The mobile phone is a commodity tool for personalized health care management and has become a means of health information computing device. A femalededicative mobile-health (m-health) application was constructed using the Femalefocused Design Strategy (FDS), to explore women’s reaction and acceptance toward well-being management after interacting with it. Qualitative user feedback was collected and emotional tolerance and user affinity for mobile and health technology may explain one’s openness to the services as well as shape their perceptions about the application. In addition, it is possible that acceptance decisions may be influenced by women’s health awareness, receptiveness to mobile applications or technological experience which design could help alter. To date, data elements and application features of current m-health applications are often incomplete and not properly secured. It is known fact that emotions are at a basic importance for the success of a system since they influence the evaluation, purchase decision and experience of users significantly. This paper reports an exploration of other nontechnical challenges to recommend better design of m-health applications for women and assist in designing optimal informational interventions.