A given soil need not have the entire sequence of horizons described above! For example, we find profiles of the AR or A(B)C type. These horizon symbols can be qualified with suffixes that define their nature better. For example, Bh where h indicates the presence of organic matter. Unfortunately there is no international accord regarding these suffixes. If several horizons of the same type follow one another, they are numbered in sequence, for example: A, B1, B2, C. If a given

horizon has features intermediate between two typical horizons, it is identified by the two letters. Thus, there may be an AB horizon or even a BA if it is desired to indicate that it resembles a B horizon more than an A. A horizon that locally exhibits very marked characteristics of an A horizon in some places and distinct features of a B horizon in others will be designated A/B. If the soil profile is differentiated in two superimposed geological materials, the corresponding discontinuity is brought out by a Roman two (II) preceding the symbols of the horizons pertaining to the second geological material. For example, A, IIB, IIC.