A wide variety of plants in the industrial sector emit polluted air containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and/or various inorganic compounds (e.g., car­ bon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia). Emission of these compounds can have harm ful effects on hum an health, the environment, and the nearby surroundings of the factory, or they can be irritating due to bad odor. Throughout the world, there is a growing in te rest in red u c in g the em issions to pre­ vent these harm ful effects. Legislation, imposing of dif­ ferent directives, and implementation of environmental programs are being used to minimize air pollution. One of the ways to avoid the emission of undesirable com­ pounds is to clean the polluted air stream before dis­ charging it into the atmosphere. This can be achieved by combustion-thermal or catalytic-of the off-gas. The industrial sectors using combustion for air cleaning are

primarily chemical, pharmaceutical, paper and print­ ing, painting and coating, petroleum refining, metal finishing, or rubber production.