This chapter covers the determination of phenolic compounds by HPLC, which are ubiquitously found in the plant kingdom as secondary metabolites exerting a range of important functions in plants. Polyphenols are also of increasing interest for their technofunctional properties, such as color and antioxidant activity, but even more interesting due to their putative health-promoting properties. Even though anthocyanins form one of the most important subclasses of polyphenols, they are not considered here because a separate chapter (Chapter 22) is dedicated to pigments. The most recent literature beginning

21.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................717 21.2 Classication of Phenolic Compounds and Their Occurrence in the Plant Kingdom: Functions in Plants and Relevance as Techno-and Biofunctional Components ..........................718 21.3 Sample Preparation for HPLC Analysis .......................................................................................721