Spatial planning decisions about settlement and infrastructure development largely determine not only the energy demand of cities and regions, but also the potentials to supply certain areas with renewable energies. Both aspects are important to achieve not only emission targets concerning climate change, but also long-term availability of secure and affordable energy in a post-fossil and post-nuclear society and are key issues for shaping sustainable societies. According to the importance of the topic, literature coverage is already rich. Also, planning principles to optimize the interrelation between spatial planning and energy systems are readily available. However, with the exception of a few good practice examples, planning practice is far from implementation of energy transition. An analysis of the


10.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 203 10.2 Systems Approach toward Integrated Spatial and Energy Planning...... 205 10.3 Generic Sustainable Characteristics of Spatial Archetypes ................. 207

10.3.1 Urban Centers ................................................................................. 212 10.3.2 Suburban Areas .............................................................................. 212 10.3.3 Rural Small Towns ......................................................................... 213 10.3.4 Rural Areas ..................................................................................... 213

10.4 Planning Energy Landscapes via Active System Elements ................. 214 10.4.1 Mix of Spatial Functions ............................................................... 214 10.4.2 Density ............................................................................................ 215 10.4.3 Siting ................................................................................................ 215 10.4.4 Resources ........................................................................................ 216

10.5 Conclusions ................................................................................................. 217 Acknowledgments .............................................................................................. 218 References ............................................................................................................. 218

spatial planning literature concerning the interrelation with energy systems reveals the following dominant lines of the discourse (based on Stoeglehner et al. 2011a,b):

1. Many initiatives and visions for urban and regional planning point out that multifunctional, densely populated settlement structures that are based on proximity concerning walking/biking/public transport not only reduce energy demand but also increase quality of life for the inhabitants (see, e.g., Brunner et al. 1999, CNU 1996, Dittmar and Ohland 2004, Farr 2008, Gaffron et al. 2005, 2008, Lerch 2007, Lineau 1995, Motzkus 2002, Newman and Jennings 2008, Register 2002, Schrieµ et al. 2009).