Properties of Annealed Products.................................. 164 4.4 Summary and Future Outlook ................................................................ 165 Acknowledgments .............................................................................................. 166 References ............................................................................................................. 167

Graphene, due to its remarkable properties, has attracted a tremendous amount of attention from both fundamental and applied sciences research groups. So far, studies have focused mainly on the physical properties of graphene, and in particular, its electronic transport behavior such as the quantum Hall effect (Zhang et al. 2005). However, the fascination with graphene is not due to its electrical properties alone. Graphene is interesting also because of its excellent mechanical properties, including its Young’s modulus of approximately 1100 GPa (Lee et al. 2008); fracture strength of 125 GPa (Lee et al. 2008); thermal conductivity, which is close to 5000 W/m·K (Balandin et al. 2008); and speci„c surface area, which is calculated to be as high as 2630 m2/g (Stoller et al. 2008). These fascinating properties make graphene a potential candidate for applications in electronics (Li et al. 2008), sensor technology (Schedin et al. 2007), and energy storage (Stoller et al. 2008) and as a „ller for polymer composites.