The Monte Carlo code SIMIND [1] simulates a clinical SPECT scintillation camera and can easily be modi‰ed for almost any type of calculation or measurement encountered in SPECT imaging. The SIMIND system consists of two main programs, CHANGE and SIMIND. The CHANGE program provides a menu-driven method of de‰ning the system that will be simulated and to write these parameters to an external ‰le. The actual Monte Carlo simulations are made by the program SIMIND that reads data from the input ‰les, created by CHANGE, and after calculation writes results to the screen or to different data ‰les. In this way, several input ‰les can be prepared in a command ‰le for submission to a batch queue, a convenient way when working with Monte Carlo simulations. Figure 7.1 shows a °owchart that describes a different ‰le structure for the SIMIND and the CHANGE program.