A hydrogeological investigation of the Az-Zaqlah depression in north Kuwait was carried out to assess the feasibility of storing Reverse Osmosis (RO) treated municipal wastewater in the underlying aquifer using artificial recharge through wells. The analysis of the collected data indicated that though the site may not be hydrogeologically ideal for artificial recharge, it is strategically located with respect to the source of water for recharge, power supply and distance from the demand center. Numerical modeling suggested that cyclical injection and recovery through 21 wells located within the depression can create a reserve of water that should be able to meet the demand of about 35000 people at 4501/d/capita and, during an emergency, should be able to sustain 100,000 people through one year at the rate of 1001/d/capita. A pilot scale artificial recharge-recovery operation through one well has been recommended to study the feasibility of the option further.