Offers full examination States intention to start oxygen therapy at appropriate flow rate Suggests a chest X-ray Suggests an ECG Suggests taking blood for FBC, urea, creatinine and electrolytes, CRP, d-dimer and a troponin (if appropriate) States intention to perform an arterial blood gas States intention to gain i.v. access and, if appropriate, commence i.v. hydration Suggests commencing drug therapy as appropriate: nebulizers, i.v. hydrocortisone, i.v. frusemide, low molecular weight heparin, i.v. GTN infusion, antibiotics, and paracetamol if pyrexial Suggests senior review

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KEY The common differential diagnoses for shortness of breath are chest infection, pulmonary oedema, acute asthma attack, acute exacerbation of COPD, pulmonary embolism and pneumothorax. Below is a list of appropriate follow-up questions that will help you distinguish which of these causes is the diagnosis.