Flyrock as mentioned has received scant attention in the mining fraternity despite of the accidents, injuries, fatalities and damage to the property associated with it. A review of literature indicates that flyrock has not been a concern in yester years at all. We have based our literature analysis on the occurrence of references in the internet and on the scientific search engines like Google Scholar and Scirus. The earliest reference dates back to 1973. The related R&D has focused on different predictive models thereon. An overview of the pre-reviewed papers published after 1973 is presented in Figure 1. A perusal of Figure 1 indicates that the thrust on R&D in flyrock has increased after 1973. This is a good indicator as the thrust on such R&D has been consistent in past couple of decades. The real boost can be seen from 1995 onwards. The above facts are also indicative of lack of complete understanding of the subject and the need for perusing the theme further.