Sarcoidosis is a systemic inflammatory disorder that can potentially involve

any part of the body, with a predilection for the lungs and intrathoracic lymph nodes (1). The histopathological hallmark of sarcoidosis is nonca-

seating granulomatous inflammation. The granulomas are typically discrete,

compact organizations of epithelioid macrophages, T lymphocytes, mono-

cytes, and fibroblasts. The granulomas are usually noncaseating, although

fibrinoid necrosis may occasionally be present. Multinucleated giant cells,

occasionally with inclusion bodies, are commonly formed within granulo-

mas. The infiltration of organs by this inflammatory process leads to distor-

tion of local architecture, tissue injury, with eventual deposition of ground substance, and fibrosis. Although the etiology of sarcoidosis remains

unclear, the disease is thought to arise from an immune-mediated response

to an antigenic stimulus that induces both innate and adaptive (antigen-spe-

cific) processes (2-4). These processes are regulated by key effector cyto-

kines, as illustrated in experimental models of granuloma formation.