The interest in Terahertz (THz) wave started as early as 1930s, but the lack of good emission and detection techniques and devices left THz less mature compared to its neighbor technologies, example, microwave and photonics. THz wave science and technology is expected to become one of the key fields in the twenty-first century. The noise floor comprises all noise sources and unwanted signals within a detection system. Some of the noises come from the sample and environment but others come from the device itself due to the electronics, contact resistance, wiring induction, thermal energy, and extra. Broadband THz wave generation is based on the excitation of different materials with femtosecond laser pulses. Different mechanisms have been studied to generate THz radiation, including photocarrier acceleration in photoconducting antennas, second-order nonlinear effects in electro-optic crystals, plasma oscillations, and electronic nonlinear transmission lines.