Flows involving phase change are ubiquitous in geophysical and industrial settings and are vital for life on Earth. For example, the solid iron inner core of the Earth solidiŸes from the molten outer core and releases buoyant constituents that drive compositional convection and power the geo-dynamo that generates our magnetic Ÿeld. Melting and re-solidiŸcation of silicates in the mantle and crust generate new rocks and segregate economically important minerals into mineable seams. Groundwater is converted to steam in geothermal reservoirs that can be tapped for energy production. ›e oceans freeze and thaw in annual cycles, moderating global temperatures and driving ocean circulations. Surface waters evaporate, rise, and re-condense to form clouds and lifegiving rain. And from the Bronze Age onward, melting and solidiŸcation have been central to many technological developments.