II. Imaging Neovascularization in Asthma 368

III. Imaging Neovascularization after Pulmonary Artery Obstruction 371

IV. Imaging Neovascularization in Lung Cancer 377

V. Concluding Comments and Future Expectations 382

References 382

I. Imaging Neovascularization in the Lung: Challenges for Measurement

Angiogenesis refers to the process by which new blood vessels form to meet new

needs demanded by ischemic tissue. In several pathologic processes, angiogen-

esis arises as a response to specific insults. For instance, when lung tumors

grow beyond the point at which they can be nourished by the existing pulmonary

circulation, the cancerous tissue becomes ischemic and starts signaling a need for

increased perfusion. Without such increased perfusion, tumor growth could not

continue, and this is the motivation for the intensive search for inhibitors of

angiogenesis as a therapy for cancer. In chronic asthma, there is often a slight

thickening of the airway wall, accompanied by increased smooth muscle and

vascularization. These new blood vessels may contribute to the warming or

humidification of inspired air, but their precise role in this disease remains some-

what controversial (1). Angiogenesis in the lung also occurs where there is patho-

logic obstruction of the pulmonary vasculature. In such cases, the bronchial

circulation expands to meet the needs of the ischemic tissue. Although this

process is clearly beneficial in keeping the lung tissue alive, the gas exchange

function of the lung is not corrected. Although hypoxia is often listed as a stimu-

lus for angiogenesis, the fact that angiogenesis readily occurs in the ventilated

lung with obstruction of deoxygenated pulmonary blood flow proves that ische-

mia is the more relevant stimulus. Because these new vessels to ischemic tissue

always originate from the microcirculation, attempts to visualize such vessels

will clearly stress the limits of all imaging modalities. In a recent excellent

review article, the applications and limitations of many of these techniques in

systemic organs are described (2). However, the lung poses unique challenges

because efforts to visualize angiogenesis in this organ are hampered by several

physiological factors. Most significant is the fact that new vessel growth predo-

minantly arises from the systemic circulation that normally perfuses the airways

and thorax. Although changes in pulmonary vessels occasionally appear in

metastases (3), nearly all observations of lung angiogenesis can trace the

origin of new vessels to their arterial sources from either the tracheobronchial

vasculature or intercostal arteries surrounding the lungs. Although in animal

models this neovascularization can develop to as much as 30% of the cardiac

output (4), under normal conditions the bronchial circulation represents ,3% of cardiac output (5). Because of the two distinct vascular systems within the

lungs, the larger and recruitable pulmonary vasculature obscure small angiogenic

alterations of the bronchial vasculature. In vivo imaging of the lungs with bron-

chial arteriograms can provide qualitative information about neovascularization.

However, to confirm new vessel proliferation, investigators have resorted to his-

tologic evaluation of tissue biopsy specimens with quantification of vascular

density. Even this approach has been difficult because unique endothelial

markers distinguishing new angiogenic vessels relative to pulmonary vessels

are not currently apparent, although a few studies have focused on defining endo-

thelial heterogeneity within normal lungs (6,7). Thus, in vivo imaging of neovas-

cularization within the lungs represents a significant challenge requiring further

characterization of vascular phenotype. This chapter is organized around three

different but well-characterized pathophysiologic conditions, for which different

imaging modalities are being used to assess vascular function and angiogenesis:

asthma, pulmonary artery obstruction, and lung cancer.