Impacts of climate change on both water and human health are increasing global concerns. In reality, climate change related hazards like fl ood, drought, salinity intrusion, cyclone and storm surge, water logging, erratic behavior of rainfall have direct and indirect adverse impacts on water resources system and human health all over the country particularly in coastal region. Many people are already struggling for access to water resources for sustaining livelihoods, domestic uses and health services. Salinity in both surface and groundwater in the coastal zone and scarcity of water in North West part of the country due to drought and lack of rainfall are really vulnerable to the health of local communities. Climate change would cause reduction of access to freshwater sources in most parts

of the country particularly in the mentioned areas. Incidences of diarrhea and cholera are quite signifi cant during fl ood and storm surges. Some of the recent studies found association of incidences of diarrhea with climate parameters e.g. temperature and rainfall pattern. It is reported that the number of non-cholera diarrhea cases in urban area increases with higher temperature, particularly those individuals at a lower socioeconomic and sanitation status. The health implications may be severe for the communities who are exposed to both climate and non-climate factors. Non-climate factors including poverty, access to water supply and sanitation, poor housing, inadequate health services would catalyze the vulnerability of the people.