Costa (2006) reports that the workstations of drivers and conductors began on trams and, over the years, public enterprises were being privatized and they started working for private companies. Thus, the author makes the criticism by stating that despite the labor achievements, these professionals are still subjected to a grueling work, with the presence of noise above the limit, the overload of the musculoskeletal system due to repetitive movements and maintaining sitting posture for


Public transportation has a great importance in people’s day-to-day lives, whose main representative in Brazil is the city bus. Drivers and conductors are agents that, in a brief review, make the interface between the passenger public transportation road organization and society, interfering with the feeling of security and well being of the entire municipal community. The behavior of these operators is of fundamental importance for the development of this activity, since failures in the work may result to losses, which may endanger both society and the workers themselves. Errors in the work of the conductor can cause conflicts with passengers and financial loss, while mistakes at the driver’s work may cause accidents and endanger people’s

long periods, high temperatures, heavy traffic and vehicle vibration which can lead to some kind of dysfunction of the organism.