Arterial blood gas (ABG) chemistries are among the laboratory tests most frequently

ordered in the SICU, because ABG analysis provides a wealth of critical information

about the SICU patient. Contained in the four variables measured [i.e., pH, partial pressure

of carbon dioxide (PCO2), partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), and bicarbonate (HCO3)] is

an overall assessment of the patient’s respiratory adequacy and cellular metabolic environ-

ment. Consequently, an accurate interpretation of ABGs, along with clinical and electro-

lyte data, can provide a circumscribed differential diagnosis of many significant medical

problems. In addition, a patient’s response to cardiovascular and respiratory support is

monitored through the ABG values. This chapter provides a simplified approach to the

interpretation of ABG values and the physiology of acid-base disturbances, along with

diagnostic clues available to differentiate the disturbances of acid-base homeostasis.

The emphasis is on diagnosis. Treatment of the specific acid-base disturbances is

not discussed.