Organic molecules are based on carbon atoms by definition. The

unique complexity of organic chemistry is related to two factors.

First, carbon atoms are predisposed to forming chemical bonds

among themselves rather thanwith other atoms. Like other group IV

elements, carbon has intermediate electron affinity. This is in sharp

contrast to, for example, alkaline atoms’ low electron affinity, which

tends to react with the high electron affinity of halogen atoms on

the opposite side of the periodical table. Second, the carbon-carbon

bond has a particularly high strength within group IV because of

the carbon atom’s low atomic number and small atomic size. Indeed

the carbon-carbon bond energy is about 1.5 times higher than the

silicon-silicon bond energy [1]. The carbon atom has six electrons in

total, with two in the inner helium core and four valence electrons in

the outer 2s and 2p orbitals. There are two types of common carbon

bonds corresponding with the different hybridizations of 2s and

2p orbitals. In sp3 hybridization, one spherical 2s orbital and three

2p orbitals form four superposition wavefunctions pointing to the

vertices of a tetrahedron. In a diamond, each carbon atom forms four

sp3 bonds with four neighboring carbon atoms in the tetrahedral

structure. Diamond has a high energy bandgap and absorbs no

visible light. From a chemical point of view, both of the bonding

carbon atoms donate one valence electron to the sp3 bond. Another

common type of bond is the sp2 hybridizationwhere the spherical 2s

orbital forms superposition with 2px and 2py orbitals. All the three

orbitals are symmetrical functions respective to the z-axis. In other words, they do not change sign as the coordinate z is changed to –z. The three hybridized orbitals point to the vertices of a triangle in

x-y plane with a bond angle of 120◦. In graphite, the carbon atoms have sp2 bonds and form a honeycomb lattice, as shown in Fig. 1.1.