OVERVIEW Since its inception (1-3), fl uorescein angiography (FA) has played a critical role in the diagnosis and management of numerous retinal vascular diseases. Various spatial and temporal patterns of FA hyper-and hypofl uorescence have correlated well with specifi c diseases, disease states, and response to treatment modalities. In age-related macular degeneration (AMD), choroidal neovascularization (CNV) was classifi ed by occult and classic patterns of fl uorescein fi lling and leakage, which correlated with clinical outcomes and response to therapy in large randomized clinical trials employing thermal laser (4-9) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) (4,10-15). This chapter will summarize the basic principles underlying FA, its interpretation (specifi cally in the context of AMD), utility in guiding treatment in previous laser trials and developments in FA interpretation and application.