The use of fetal follicles as a putative source of oocyte donations for IVF raises several ethical dilemmas3,10. So far, this possibility is remote, owing to the scarcity of in-vitro studies of fetal follicles and oogonia. In addition, most human abortions occur at early stages, and the respective oogonia from these ovaries develop very slightly in culture22. Studies conducted in our laboratory identified fewer receptors for various growth factors in GC of fetal primordial follicles that in those from adults3,44-48, suggesting that it will be harder to develop a successful IVM system for fetal follicles than for primordial follicles from women. At the same time, a more in-depth understanding of the mechanisms involved in fetal folliculogenesis would assist researchers in improving the technology of IVM of small follicles from adults.3 Therefore, studies on both mammalian fetal and adult follicles should be continued.