ABSTRACT: Real Estate market offer prices analysis has always stimulated scarce interest in those who are used to study RE market performance. This lack of attention stems from the fact that the housing market is governed solely by market prices, i.e. the match between demand and supply. RE market is every day more and more influenced by global markets and, therefore, characterized by dynamics considerably faster than those observed a few years ago. Probably, the actual methods for market monitoring have to be enhanced in order to be able to perform some step closer to a real time analysis. Nowadays, in industrialized contexts, the existing market supply is almost entirely contained into major RE intermediation web-sites and represent a significant opportunity for improving the methodologies actually used to study market trends. Through data-mining and spatial econometrics techniques, it is now possible to evaluate the market supply with a modest use of time and human working resources. This analysis can give back a “sentiment” able to predict the forthcoming objective results that will come from recorded trades. This paper focuses on some spatial analysis applications used to study the affordability and effectiveness of a decision support system (Argiolas et al. 2011) capable of retrieving, studying and representing the temporal development of house market supply (sell and rent listings) in some European urban contests.