School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, Ireland. Email: d.waters@ucc.ie

For many centuries, baked cereal foods have been a staple part of the human diet. Baked cereal goods primarily include breads, cakes, biscuits and pastries. They are generated by combining milled cereal fl our with water and other ingredients such as fat, salt, sugar, eggs, etc., to make dough or batter formulations which are baked before consumption. Countless traditional processes have led to the production of numerous baked cereal goods of various forms throughout the continents. These products can be classifi ed based on, fl avor (sweet, savory or bland), unleavened or leavened (biological, chemical, physical), textural profi le (crumb, softness, brittleness, etc.), specifi c volume (high-pan bread, medium-rye bread, or fl at breads —typically Asian) and technological attributes (pH, moisture, etc.).