The idea of the Tectonics seems to have a renaissance in architecture today. This is probably influenced by the book of Kenneth Frampton from 1995 “Studies in Tectonic Culture”. Here Frampton tries to revive the discussion of the meaning of technology and construction in architecture. He was inspired from the theories of the german architect Gottfried Semper (1803 – 1879), who tried to find a universal meaning of architecture. One of Sempers theses was that architectural design has to grow from deeper human sources. He is known from the theories of the four elements of architecture: the hearth, the stereotomy, the cladding and the construction. Frampton introduces the term tectonic to describe the properties, the applications and the aesthetics of materials and he also use the term of: an intention in a construction. It means, when given attention to the technological potentials in a certain assignment, this also opens to find the poetry in the materials, the Poetics of Construction.