ABSTRACT: A recently finished and v ery interesting project is the new entrance situation of the museum quarter ´ Joanneumsviertel´ in the cent re of G raz in Austria. The com plex of buildings of the museum consists of two wings of the existi ng structure. For the connection of those old pa rts of the museum the ar chitects desi gned t he new entrance bet ween t hem. A basement with a depth of approx. 10 m was excav ated and t he tw o lev els were covered with big rein-forced concret e sl abs. T he archi tectural challenge of this proj ect was to bring daylight into these two low er floors. T he c oncept of the a rchitects w as to le t na tural daylight flow in via vertical funnels in the form of small round courtyards with a diam eter of up to approx. 16 m into the basement. Laminated and insulated glass was used for the cladding of these conical shaped funnels. Two of the six cones i n t otal i nterpenetrate and anot her one was posed on its top and situated in the centre of a bigger one.