Microorganisms are associated with all the foods that we eat and are responsible for the formation of certain foods through the process of fermentationand may also be directly used as asource of food in the form of singlecellproteins and food supplements in the form of pigments, amino acids, vitamins, organic acids, enzymes, and lipidic substances and also inhibit other toxin-producing microbes. Microbial activity in foods enhances their shelf life, makes them more attractive in terms of appearance and Šavors that are more appetizing, and is easily digestible. The biological agents involved in fermentations include lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and alcohol-producing yeasts and molds, occurring in succession or in combination. In general, bacteria cause acidi„cation and leavening, yeasts ferment the sugars to produce alcohol, and esters impart desirable Šavors in the products, while molds bring about the sacchari„cation and proteolysis of the starting materials.