Water is a transparent, colorless, tasteless, and odorless liquid that is essential for sustaining life and health and for the preservation of ecosystems. There is evidence of an emerging global water crisis that will threaten lives, sustain development, and even peace and security. The quality of water varies widely with soil composition, geological conditions, climatic condition, geomorphologic, and human factors. Neither groundwater nor surface water has ever been chemically pure since water contains small amounts of gases, minerals, and organic matters. The problem of providing potable water (water acceptable for consuming through the whole life of a human being) still remains unsolved. Over one billion people lack access to safe drinking water. About 80% of child deaths occur from digestive tract diseases such as diarrhea caused by the consumption of contaminated drinking water (Balbus and Lang 2001). Safe drinking water is commonly obtained by complying with specic water quality standards recognized by governments. Many necessities are established for drinking water quality (SanPin, Cox 1965).