The virtual success of the human genome project has paved the way for the exploration of more dynamic proteome and the rapid advancement of “proteomics”. Proteomics is the wide-range study of proteins, specially concentrated on the structures and functions. ‘Proteome’ came from ‘PROTEin expressed by a genOME’. The proteome is the entire complement of proteins produced from genome in a cell or tissue (1), including the modifi cations made to a particular set of proteins. Therefore, proteomes change very dynamically and are different from each organism, each tissue, and each cell. By identifying disease-related proteins and their functions via proteomes, we are able to get an insight into the fundamental principles of vital phenomenon (2, 3). Today, proteomics plays an essential role in many scientifi c researches, such as the discovery of disease biology and mechanisms, new drug targets and much more (4). Proteomic analysis is a very useful tool for analyzing the biological response at the protein level. It also enables the detection and identifi cation of protein biomarkers for diseases and toxicities.