Zinc is a basic element for the healthy and ecient function of human society. It is essential for the normal healthy growth and reproduction of plants, animals, and humans and is commonly used as additives in fertilizers, foods, and medicines (International Zinc Association). Zinc is also the metal used in galvanizing, which is the most cost-eective method for corrosion protection of steel. Nearly half of the zinc is used for this purpose. rough galvanizing, metal spraying, sacricial anodes, zinc-dust paints, and other methods, zinc-protected steels are widely used in automobiles, building structures, reinforced concrete, roong, and other domestic and industrial structures. Zinc is also commonly used in many products in various ways and forms of alloying, casting, plating, rolling, sheet, wire, ber, powder, etc. (Zhang 1996). More recently, zinc in dierent forms is seen as a unique energy carrier material for materialization of electricity that could potentially be used in a wide range of energy storage and power applications.