In accordance with the general principles of prevention, developed within the legislative framework of the protection of workers, a risk analysis must be carried out in the whole of the industrial facilities. Inside the enterprise COTITEX of Batna, this principle of prevention is very little applied and one can partly allot this absence of application to the fact that the methods of analysis suggested are not well adapted to this factory.

To this end, a comparative study of several risk analysis methods issued from the “reliability” movement is undertaken, in order to choose the one whose field of application would answer better to our criterion of engagement, namely the triptych: Man-Installation-Environment. The risk analysis method retained is: MADS-MOSAR which presents a framework basing its approach on the concept of “system”. We also carried out an ergonomic analysis of the difficult conditions induced by the technology transfer making use of the RENAULT method. We analysed these blockings of disparate appearance then and could allot mainly their causes to a conflict of values between the COTITEX and the institutions of prevention.