RAMS analysis has main objective to define system availability, reliability and maintainability regarding critical equipment failures and safety issues like incidents and accidents which impact on system availability and employees health. On most of industries, the reliability diagram block is applied to model the complex systems. Regarding safety, in many cases, incidents are results of combined events which are better modeled by Fault three analyses. Nowadays the RAMS process phases is very well described in EN50126 by “V Diagram” regarding which activities is necessary in railways life cycle phases. Nevertheless, it is not clear which are the specific reliability engineer methods which must be applied in order to achieve high performance a long railways life cycle. The methodology described on EN50126 does not consider such application and integration of RBD and FTA as well as Monte Carlo Simulation. In addition, it is no mentioned others reliability engineer tools like accelerated test, growth analysis, Life cycle analysis a long enterprises life cycle.

Furthermore, regarding Safety, the Preliminary Hazard Analysis has been the most qualitative risk analysis applied to define hazard events but in most of cases such events are not quantified by FTA and when such events are modeled do not take into account the incidents effect on system availability. On Transportation Industry, the RAMS process analysis carries out RAM and safety access separately. This paper propose to integrate incident and equipment failures which affect System availability by RBD and FTA model and Monte Carlo Simulation in order to find out all events that causing System unavailability as well as define all incidents events which cause employees health damage. Thus, a case study will be carried out to exemplify Integrated RAMS analysis Methodology applied to Train system in project phase regarding Reliability Diagram Block, FMECA and FTA which model equipment failures and incident which impact in System availability. Such incidents modeled by FTA are integrated in Reliability diagram block. Therefore it’ll be possible to compare system availability and reliability without and with incidents as well as identify equipment and event bad actors to improve system availability and safety error. In addition such methods can be carried on in also in operational phases in order to keep system high performance.