In our search to come to useful and practical notions to stimulate attention to eco-effectiveness this chapter will connect the core concepts of biomimicry, as we understand and practice it and link the core concepts to the subject of green(-ing) ICT by giving you examples from practice. This way we come closer to giving the concept of eco-effectiveness body and plausibility. This chapter sketches the beginning of a new field of inquiry where nature provides the yardstick for progress. As such much is left to your own imagination, creativity, and innovative potential. This chapter aims to introduce and inspire, it does not provide a strategy or innovation roadmap. After an explanation of the concept of biomimicry, the different degrees of greening with biomimicry, and a very condensed overview of life’s principles, the chapter ends with a presentation of cases where biomimicry was used in organizational development and manufacturing. We leave it to your imagination how you can apply it in your organization.