Diabetes Mellitus Agnieszka Piwowara,* and Ewa Żurawska-Płaksejb

According to the defi nition of World Health Organization diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder with multiple etiology, and characterized by chronic hyperglycemia resulting from defects of insulin secretion or/and its action, causing the disturbances in carbohydrate, lipids and protein metabolism (Report of WHO/IDF 2006). The morbidity and prevalence of diabetes is continuously growing up all over the world. It is a huge epidemiological, health, social and economical problem not only in industrial countries but also in all world societies. The worldwide number of people with diabetes, independent of age, is expected to increase to 4.4 percent in 2030 year. Apart this many people have undiagnosed diabetes (mainly type 2), that is much more dangerous than already recognized, because the metabolic disturbances are developing in a stealthy way for many years before recognition of diabetes and inclusion of appropriate therapy (Campbell 2009).