Risk-based maintenance of aging marine structures is a rapidly developing field based on methods and tools to predict evaluate and maintain reliability of ship structures while considering the cost associated with their loss. The process of ship structural design goes from the primary structure to the detail design of substructures and components such as plates and welded joints. The time-variant formulation of ship reliability results from modelling the problem with stochastic processes that represent the random nature of the load and strength parameters. Corrosion of interior spaces in ship structures has an important role in the long-term structural integrity. Classical theory of system maintenance that describes the failure of components by probabilistic models often of the Weibull family, which represent failure rates in operational phases and in the aging phases of the life of components, has been used. Keywords Corrosion, degradation, fatigue, identification, inspection planning, maintenance, marine structures, probabilistic models, repair cost, risk-based assessment, uncertainties.