The authors would like to preface this chapter with the observation that there are no laws requiring that an animal use protocol be written and approved by the institution’s IACUC; rather, specic components related to the care and use of animals in biomedical research, biological testing, and research training must meet specic requirements detailed in applicable regulations and laws. Exceptions to such standards may be made only when speci-ed by research protocol and any exception shall be led with the Institutional Animal Committee (AWA §2143,a,3,E). Nevertheless, the most common approach to obtaining, documenting, and reviewing the required information is, as alluded to in the Guide (p. 25), through the completion of a “protocol” that provides the legally required details of the research involving animals that is then reviewed by the IACUC. Questions often arise about when and how best to utilize such a system to ensure that the legal requirement of review of animal use in research, teaching and testing is met. This chapter helps to address some of the more commonly asked questions on the submission and maintenance of the commonly used “animal care and use protocol.”