Nagpur mandarin occupies an area of 0.0286 Mha in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chattisgarh States of Central India. In the current citriculture crops of India, the major concerns are efficient use of water and fertilizer to increase the crop yield and fruit quality [24]. To maximize yield and fruit quality and nutrient uptake in citrus groves with limited amounts of water and fertilizer, the essential factors are: Maximization of water use; minimization of input cost of irrigation and fertilizers; the adoption of sustainable micro irrigation systems [16]; irrigation scheduling based on class A pan evaporation [13, 18, 19, 25] ; and fertigation [17]. For higher yield and good fruit quality of Nagpur mandarin, the use of optimum quantity of Potassium fertilizer along with other N and P fertilizers at appropriate time of the fruit growth stages is among the various factors. To enhance the growth and productivity, amount of NPK fertilizer either in the form of organic or inorganic and its application method play an important role [1].