The standard International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61850 provides the basis for many application domains outside of electrical side substations. One of the biggest success stories of IEC 61850 in power delivery systems is the deployment of the standard for wind power systems. IEC 61850 defines the information and information exchange independent of a concrete implementation. The four main building blocks of IEC 61850 for substations are as follows: Information models IEC 61850-7-4 define substation-specific and common information models for substation automation functions - what is modeled and could be accessed for information exchange. The use of IEC 61850 requires to be very precise on how and when to communicate which information to whom. IEC 61850-6 also describes the electrical single-line drawing in the form of an XML document derived from the part 6 XML schemas. Information exchange methods IEC 61850-7-2 provides the services to exchange information for the different kinds of functions; it defines how to exchange information.