The different behaviors of granular soils previously have been attributed to the density and confining pressure. However, recent studies showed that more than density and confining pressure have to be considered to interpret the behavior of granular soils. Experimental data showed that initial fabric anisotropy (or bedding angle) has a dominant effect on the behavior of soils (e.g., Vaid & Chern, 1983, Arangelovski & Towata, 2004). The initial static shear stress cause the rotation of principal stresses and it in turn cause the non-coaxiality between stress and the deposition angle (Oda, 1972, Yoshimine et al., 1998). This rotation and non-coaxiality between stress and fabric result in non-coaxiality between stress and strain. The initial static shear stress is tantamount to the non-coaxiality between the stress and fabric tensors.