Fiber optics have played a major role in the development of modern communication networks (Agrawal 2010). Now, many ber optic devices and techniques developed for the ber communications industries are helping advance other areas of science. Specically in microscopy, optical

8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 179 8.2 Basic ber optic microscopy congurations ..................................... 181

8.2.1 Fiber optic microscopy based on single-mode ber (SMF) ... 181 8.2.2 Wide-eld ber bundle microscopy ....................................... 183 8.2.3 Laser-scanned ber bundle microscopy ............................... 185

8.3 Advancement of ber optic microscopy ............................................ 186 8.3.1 Fiber optic confocal microscopy using an eye-safe near-

infrared ber laser .................................................................... 186 8.3.2 Dark eld illuminated ber bundle ....................................... 188 8.3.3 Pixelation effect removal from ber bundle probe-based

optical coherence tomography imaging ................................ 191 8.3.4 Gene transfection efcacy assessment of human

cervical cancer cells using dual-mode uorescence microendoscopy ........................................................................ 192

References ........................................................................................................ 195

ber endoscopes and other imaging devices have become compact, inexpensive, and high-performing over the past 10 years.